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Live chat support

8 Advantages of Offering Live Chat Support

Chat support is one of the most effective mediums of customer support. It bridges many gaps between the customers and a brand or vice versa. It’s no surprise that chat support services are in such high demand among businesses when customer service has become one of the crucial factors in decision-making.

Whether you want to assist your website visitors or offer customer support, live chat is super effective in both cases. Explore the reasons why live chat continues to be the favorite medium of customer support for both businesses and customers in the following:

When you compare the mediums of customer support, live chat is one of the easiest ways for customers to connect. It is much more convenient than writing an email to the company. A customer may have to write a response to many emails before customer support can resolve them. Call support is a comparatively simple method for contacting a company. In some cases, it is much more convenient to conversate on live chat. Millennials have been found to prefer live chat the most out of all generations.

Higher Conversions

Today, when many brands are selling their products and services, engaging customers has become crucial for conversions. Usually, when a customer visits a website and doesn’t easily see what they are looking for, they close the tab and continue their search. An agent on live chat can ask the customer what they wanted and provide accordingly. Adding the live chat option can help engage and convert many such customers. So, it is another reason for you to add live chat to your website. Also read Levo PA71.

Competitive Advantage

Oftentimes, your and your competitors’ businesses are offering the same service at similar pricing. In many cases, even the quality of service is not much different. The key to making your business stand out in such instances can be cutting the distance between customers and your business. With your agents available to assist all customers with the live chat option, your business can have a competitive advantage. Offering customer support and making it easily accessible will do wonders for you compared to adding support options and making them hard to find.

Strengthen Relations With Customers

Creating a relationship with your customers and strengthening the bond over time leads to higher retention. The importance of retaining your existing customers can hardly be stressed enough. It drives a continuous stream of revenue that allows businesses to sustain and focus on growth. Customer interactions during detailed technical conversations to resolving routine queries eventually create a bond between customers and your brand. Sometimes, customers even ask to connect to their favorite agent. Building rapport is a solid reason why you should offer live chat support.

More and Faster Resolutions

One of the key metrics that show the effectiveness of a company’s customer support is FCR. It stands for first contact resolution. As the name suggests, it is the rate of customer issues resolved in the very first interaction. Live chat is a superb medium when it comes to resolving customer queries. Back-and-forth messages help both agents understand the issue and present the most fitting solution.

It is a lot less time-consuming compared to generating a ticket and waiting for a response. The process of resolution can be as fast as call support or even quicker in some cases.

Increased Productivity

Live chat is not convenient for the customers alone, but for the agents too. Answering queries on chat support takes less effort compared to the other OG mediums. If your website has a knowledge base to assist customers, your live agents can suggest content to customers that can help them get all the answers they need. Sometimes agents can engage multiple customers via live chat. Quicker resolutions and lesser required effort allow live chat agents to be more productive.

Lower Operation Costs

Offering customer support costs businesses significantly. These costs include salaries of agents, maintaining infrastructure, and various others. Live chat can help businesses offer customer support at a lower expense. Live chat increases productivity, which means more customer queries can be handled by fewer agents. Thus, businesses can offer quality customer support without spending a lot.

24/7 Support

Limited hours of support is easily topped by 24/7 support when it comes to customers’ preference. But thanks to higher productivity and lesser operation costs, the option of offering 24/7 is more feasible for businesses. Needless to say, it is another reason why more businesses should offer live chat.

So, these are the reasons why businesses should offer live chat for customer support.